Color Analysis: What We Do

Individualized Color Analysis
Your perfect colors, chosen specifically for you.
Wouldn’t it be great to know exactly what colors work for you? Which ones make your eyes sparkle and your skin glow?
Wouldn’t you love to have a wardrobe this is beautifully color-coordinated, with every outfit making you look perfectly put together?
The way to get there is to start with an individualized color analysis, one that follows the principles developed by Suzanne Caygill.
Your color designer will determine your beige and blush skin tones, the colors that relate most to your eyes and hair, your best whites, and your perfect reds. Once your “body colors” have been selected, the designer will complete your palette with dramatic colors, accent colors, subdued and neutral colors, as well as prints and metals. Your innate style and personality are also taken into consideration.
It’s a fun and fascinating process . . . and it can change your life.
Members of Color Designers International have been trained in the principles of the Caygill method, which has been enhanced by Sharon Chrisman.

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